from Bavaria to L.A.

Yodelstar Kathrin Jakob was born in Munich, Germany and raised in a small village in Bavaria. Music is what brought her to Los Angeles, California, and the ART OF YODELING is what she brought from her Bavarian home to the US.
Kathrin has appeared on several german television shows, such as "taff" (Pro7), "Punkt 12" (RTL), "auf und davon" (VOX) and "Hallo Deutschland" (ZDF).
She has also appeared on ABC's "The Gong Show".
Her song "In The Alps We Yodel" was featured in Jeremy Catalino's film "Crashpad" and her yodeling talent was to be heard on Nickelodeon's "Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn".

"He Taught Me How To Yodel" - Music Video

Booking & Partners
Die Sauerkrauts - Oktoberfest Band
Astrid Söll Dirndl Couture
Hammerstein - Bavarian Polka Band
André Zechmann - Vegan Lederhosen